Recently, I was a bridesmaid in the wedding of a good friend of mine from school. she married a sweet boy from another state. her family is small and his is large, so they chose to have their wedding in his hometown. for years this fabulous couple has spoken about how much fun it would be if his best friends met her best friends because they would all get along so well. i don't think they anticipated just how well the best friends would get along.
the bride and groom had a wedding website and one of the groomsmen posted his congratulations along with a notice to all bridesmaids that he was on the hunt for his wife at this wedding and we better hone our dancing skills. now, anyone who knows me knows that 1: i cannot resist a good dance off and b, i cannot resist a good smack talking sesh. i responded to his post to which he responded with a facebook friendship request. i accepted and for the three weeks leading up to the wedding, we traded messages about the dance off that would ensue at the wedding. i was super curious to meet this badass from cali.
i was not impressed when i first met him. he came in saying "where's my girl" and i so wish i could demonstrate his little jig he did when he met me. he also looked like he was from cali, and i, well, do not (not to mention that sometimes people from this area of Cali dress a little...dooshy) . we hugged and that was that. it wasn't until the rehearsal dinner that the trash talking came to a head and we both realized how much chemistry there was between us. we danced all night in between our sneaks off to makeout in the darkened hallway (yes, we really snuck off to makeout in the dark hallways and i enjoyed it). we followed the rest of the wedding party back to the groom's parent's house for some hot tub action. the hot tub was scandalous and delicious (all maids and men had paired off) and it was literally some of the steamiest kissing i've experienced. we didn't see each other until the next day when we walked down the aisle at the wedding. he said to me "i've been waiting to kiss those juicy red lips of yours all day." sweet, right? yes. at the reception we danced and dined and drank. there were dance offs galore. the entire wedding party went back to the aforementioned house where we paired off again. this groomsman, another groomsman (who happens to be his best friend) and i went to a back bedroom where we stayed up until the wee hours talking and eating pizza. i was so intrigued by this professional athlete from the west coast who said he was moving to the east coast to play for a team out here.
the next day we all get the great idea to go into town, rent a big hotel room and party all night. the big hotel room didn't make much sense though since everyone was ready to go to bed at different times. he and i got our own room where we watched movies and talked all night. the next morning, as i got ready for my early flight out, he asked me if i was ever going to talk to him again. i said that was up to him. he responded with "oh, you and i are going to be seeing a lot more of each other." i told him i had a great time and i got on my jet plane. i love the feeling a really fun weekend leaves you with. little did i know how dramatic this boy would turn out to be...
i received a txt from him asking me to not post any pictures to facebook of us. well hell-o, sounds like someone must have a girlfriend. he even went as far as to tell me he doesn't have a girlfriend but he doesn't like dealing with the headache of having to explain. he also said he didn't think the two world's best kissers (i am actually quite the kiss-artist) needed to put it on display for all of facebook to see. im not even sure he even considered the fact that i might have my own situations and might lack a desire to get myself in trouble. i was pretty irritated however that he was take a weekend fling and turn it into something dramatic in just a few short text messages. one of the other maids had some telling pictures that i asked her to email to me. i then emailed him one of us kissing and said "so i'm confused. am i supposed to post and tag this or not?" i admit - it was slightly bitchy on my part and i'm not surprised i haven't heard back. i also posted on his wall something funny about a rapper we both enjoy and he deleted the post. yes my readers, he DELETED the post. haven't i already said you don't delete me? and wait, weren't you the one who asked me if i was ever going to talk to you again?
turns out this guy totally has a girlfriend. maybe they don't have that title, but some girl keeps posting pics of them together at various places around town, and i'm just assuming she's the one he was worried about catching him when he sent me those txts. i mean, call me crazy but when you show up in a family picture, you're obviously more than just some RANDO. at first my feelings were hurt that he sent me those txts (i guess some guys don't want to brag to their friends), but the more i've studied his profile, the more i've realized he's just an honest tool and he doesn't know any better. and i'm guessing he deleted my wall post because he doesn't want to have to deal with THAT headache. that's alright. he deleted my wall post, so now i've deleted him as a friend. it really is SO refreshing to do that.
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