imagine you're on a blind date. the guy's a nerd, but he's not intolerable. you're at a fab wine bar, having a glass and gnawing (ok, so maybe you aren't GNAWING, but i just love that word) on some delish calamari. imagine the conversation is all one sided. and it's all about him. and his job. and how much money he makes. seriously? yes. seriously.
the food and drink were great. the company? not so great. as soon as we got there, and got the initial "hi, my name is" out of the way, he immediately delved into his job. He was a lawyer. And a CPA. he had a masters in something else. went to three very good schools. he dressed well. he wasn't so bad looking. he had great teeth. but after he told me about how his first job had sought him out, and he decided it wasn't challenging enough, he told me how several big name law firms had squabbled over him and he had finally committed to one. he hadn't started yet. he wasn't worried though. he knew they would come back to him fairly quickly with a start date. the firm was lucky to get him. he wasn't looking for anything serious. he just wanted to find someone to sleep with. yes my friends, i was on a date with this winner.
he told me how much money he made. and how much money he would have in the bank in five years (ooops, I guess you didn't take into account the stock market plunge). after dinner, he asked me to come see his condo and tell him what i thought of his couch. what a line, sweet talker. how did you know i've been dying to see your couch? i have NO idea what this one really implies. i was really torn too. this guy blew and i knew what was coming. BUT, his condo was in a really phat building in the center of town and i had been dying to get inside and take a peek. and here was my chance! ahh, decisions decisions....
we got to his condo and it was everything i had heard and had been dying to see. floor to ceiling windows, the sleekest granite you've seen, the richest wood floors, the smoothest tile in the bathrooms. he had it decorated nicely. he immediately sat down on the couch and offered to open a bottle of wine. umm, no thanks. my thirst has been quenched with the viewing of your condo. i yawned and told him i needed to go home.
i forgot to tell him what i thought of his couch. it matched my opinion of him. and i don't want to sleep on it.
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