So, I have a date tonight with a foreign man. I'm not really sure how this is going to turn out. First off, we met at a BAR. Yes, a BAR. I mean, I know a lot of people meet in bars these days (shoot, I meet lots of people in bars. Who am I kidding.) But, in the words of a man I respect, "who really says they meet at the bar and 50 years later they are still together?"
He was wearing a Superman shirt. I saw him come in, thought he was cute, so I smiled and said "hey superman." He of course LOVED that. We started chatting and I realized he was not from America. His accent was not Southern (perferable), Yankee-ish or anything else. Come to find out he is Lithuanian. Eastern European. I had thoughts of Borat running through my head while we talked (I wonder if his wife is dead? And he hands out high fives everywhere?). He's a basketball player at a local college and plans to attend med school in the fall. So he's smart. And he's cute. And he has an accent. Things are looking pretty good.
Except he's young. He's in college. He isn't an American citizen. I'm sure we don't share the same political views. He doesn't even have an American driver's license. We'll probably get pulled over on our way to dinner. But he called today to make sure we were still on for our date. That was cute. My girlfriends and I have plans to meet up later for a drink, so I will bring him along, if he's normal. There's NO telling what he'll be like since we met in a bar. If he's not normal, I will ditch him and txt message the mute guy I picked up the same weekend. In a different bar.
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