I realize it's been awhile. don't hate. I found myself dating two men and unable to write much. I have a lot to say about these two men but I will give you THIS teaser: one was named Dr. Jekyll and the other, Mr. Hyde.
However, before I tell you about those fabulous men, I need to share with you the story of a boy who is very close to my heart. I saw him today at the gym and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside until I realized how wasteful my fondness is. Mason is his name (like, you know, the career) and he is super cute. And he knows it. We met at a party and, like all the boys I seem to attract, he lied to me about several things, mainly his career. His college career. Not that it matters, because this was then and that was before then. But, a lie is a lie and it's always a red flag. Anyway, Mason was at the party with a few of his friends, all of whom got my digitz but Mason laid claim to me because he of course kissed me before the night was over. Mason called me a couple of times after that, and we met up a few times after that, always at the bar, always late at night, always after drinking with other people (isn't it fabulous that this same ole story seems to generate so many fascinating stories?). Remember the story of Mr. IDD? OK, well, Mr. IDD, Mason and a boy I will call Gastleman (more on him later) were all good friends. And all players. I had been to a few late night bar meetups with Mason when I met Mr. IDD. The girls and I had gone to this great pub with outdoor seating one night and Mr. IDD met us for a bit. We were sharing a laugh when I saw Mason walk in with not one, but two, girls. You can imagine my disgust when I realized what a player he was! Because I'm smooth, I sent Mason a text message asking him to meet me at this fabulous pub with outdoor seating. He responded with "not when you're already there with my best friend." Not only did that make me feel like a complete moron, but right after I received that text, Gastleman came in with a girl. I had also gone on a couple of dates with Gastleman and was just really feeling badly about myself that I had convinced myself that while I was dating three friends, they were each only dating me. It was at this point that Mason decided he had had enough of moi.
About 3 months later, I run into Mason at the gym and things quickly picked back up. I demanded to be more than just the weekday girl - I have a theory that you should always be wary of a boy who will not see you on the weekends - and Mason made me the weekday AND the weekend girl. We went to dinners, we went on walks, we spent countless hours talking and laughing and I found that he was much more than just a pretty face. All of my friends told me to stop seeing him. He had proven he was a player, and word gets around fast, and they were all convinced he was still a player. But, I was convinced I could convince HIM to change.his.ways. Because, they ALWAYS do! Things progressed well and we agreed to meet up at this huge charity holiday party. I told the girls if Mason did indeed follow through on his promise to meet up with me at the party, and introduce me to his friends, then they had to trust his intentions were true and he had indeed turned over a new leaf. I mean, if he's introducing me to his friends, and walking around with me on his arm, then clearly he is serious. So, he showed up alright. He showed up nice and inebriated and things promptly got out of hand. Of course I thought he should be paying more attention to me, and he thought he had done his duty by introducing me to a few friends. My friends I left the party out of hunger and I sent several text messages to him letting him know where I was, what I was eating, that I was going home, and finally, where was he and why was he not responding to me. Needless to say, I never heard from him again. He didn't respond to my texts, he didn't call me, he never showed up on my chat list, and we were no longer friends on facebook. The audacity! I ran into him about 4 months later at the gym where he told me I had gone crazy and he had freaked out. He also told me he was dating someone else but asked if we could be friends again. I obliged and he unblocked me on the chat list. We're still not friends on facebook, and it's been over 2 years.
I hear he's still dating that girl but that he misses me some. Every now and then he'll message me on chat and suggest we meet up for a rendevousz. A what?!?!? I guess he really is a player. I should have listened to my friends. When I saw him at the gym tonight, my heart melted a little bit. And while I realized once again how I shouldn't waste such warm and fuzzy feelings on a guy like this, he's just so cute that how can I help it? I've decided I will add him as a friend on facebook.